Ubiquitin and Friends Symposium 2019
- 20 May 2019 - 21 May 2019
- Billrothhaus, Frankgasse 8, 1090 Vienna, Austria
The 6th "Ubiquitin & Friends symposium" will take place in Vienna on 20 and 21 May 2019. The 1.5-day event will provide an overview of current research, challenges and advances in the field of ubiquitin biology and of its related protein modifiers.
Ubiquitin & Friends will bring together some outstanding experts in the field, including the following:
- Ivan Dikic, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
- Alfred Goldberg, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
- Ramanujan Hegde, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
- Fumiyo Ikeda, Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria
- Elif Karagoz, Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Vienna, Austria
- Katrin Rittinger, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
- Anne Simonsen, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Oslo, Norway
- Eilika Weber-Ban, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
This year, the Ubiquitin & Friends symposium will take place in the “Billrothhaus”, the house of physicians in Vienna. At this historic place, scientific celebrities such as Sigmund Freud, Karl Landsteiner, and Carl von Rokitansky presented their work.
An evening poster reception followed by dinner will provide ample of opportunities to discuss science and network. All attendees can submit an abstract to present their work by poster or by a talk. The registration fee for students and postdocs is 100 Euro, for everyone else 200 Euro. Participation at the dinner costs an additional 30 Euro. Travel Awards for Master and PhD students are available. The application deadline is 1 April 2019.
Registation forms can be found at: https://ubiquitin.at/symposium/
For questions or comments, please refer to: ubiquitin[at]imp.ac.at