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08 Feb 2023

Finding out how embryos gain independence

After fertilisation, the nuclear genome of the embryo is mostly inactive, and maternal RNA and proteins in the egg perform cellular functions. During...
02 Feb 2023

A tale of DNA loops: how distant DNA segments come together to make different types of antibodies

To fight off the vast array of pathogens we encounter every day, our immune system has come up with genetic mechanisms to diversify pathogen-detecting...
27 Jan 2023

SNSF fellowship for postdoc Milica Vulin

Lukas Leiendecker’s doctoral research on certain types of skin cancer caused by a papilloma virus continues to attract honours, now rising to a true...
23 Jan 2023

Switch it off: new insights into repressors of gene transcription

Loni Klaus joined the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program in 2018 to study the regulation of gene transcription in the lab of Alexander Stark. She recently...
18 Jan 2023

The dormant egg: scientists bring the ‘sleep mode’ of egg ribosomes to light

In animals, eggs serve as a stockpile that contains all the necessary components for the early stages of embryonic development. Ribosomes, the...
21 Dec 2022

Avoiding the flood: how plasma cells constrain antibody secretion 

Plasma cells are the antibody factory of our immune system: they secrete vast quantities of highly specialised antibodies to counter an infection....
19 Dec 2022

Clinical dermatology award for Lukas Leiendecker

The Austrian Society for Dermatology and Venereology presents the yearly Science Award to scientists whose recent publications answer far-reaching...
15 Dec 2022

Tim Clausen among Allen Distinguished Investigators 2022

The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group has announced its 2022 selection of Allen Distinguished Investigators. Among the selected researchers is IMP Senior...
21 Nov 2022

Revealing the architectural secrets inside mini-organs

Organs grow into a variety of shapes and architectures. Observing what happens inside organs as they develop is difficult in living embryos, but...
15 Nov 2022

Angelika Amon Young Scientist Award for Melanie de Almeida

Melanie de Almeida, a recent PhD graduate from the lab of Johannes Zuber, is among the first awardees of the Koch Institute...