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News and Media

Current news and developments from the IMP. For frequent updates, also consider following us on our social media channels, such as Twitter ("X") or LinkedIn

24 Feb 2021

IMP postdocs sweep Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships

Seven postdoctoral researchers at the IMP received Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships this year: Elad Bassat, Sebastian Isbaner, Katharina...
19 Jan 2021

Denise P. Barlow Award for Matthias Muhar

The Denise P. Barlow Award of 2019 was presented to Matthias Muhar in recognition of his doctoral research with Johannes Zuber at the IMP. He shares...
18 Jan 2021

Record-breaking lungfish genome reveals how vertebrates conquered land

380 million years ago, fish started to crawl out of the water to colonise land. The Australian lungfish – an endangered, air-breathing fish – is one...
21 Dec 2020

Lauwers Award for Paula Gutiérrez Pérez

Despite the exceptional circumstances of 2020, the Lauwers Award for the best Monday Seminar talk has remained a constant. This year’s awardee is...
07 Dec 2020

Research pilot project in nursing homes shows right approach for Covid-19 monitoring

In a pilot project, researchers of the "Vienna Covid-19 Detection Initiative" (VCDI) at the Vienna BioCenter, Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna and...
01 Dec 2020

Ripples of knowledge: a tribute to Angelika Amon

Kim Nasmyth, emeritus director of the IMP, reflects on the life and legacy of his former student Angelika Amon. ...
20 Nov 2020

Neural basis of gut feelings: insular cortex and amygdala tell good from bad

How do we learn whether to approach or avoid something? Using functional brain imaging in mice, scientists from the lab of Wulf Haubensak and...
16 Nov 2020

Structure of transcription-export complex TREX revealed

TREX ("TRanscription-and-EXport complex") is a key player in the mRNA export pathway. In a new study published in eLife today, scientists from the lab...
09 Nov 2020

Rabitsch Award 2020 for Merve Deniz Abdusselamoglu

It is a special year in so many ways, with limitations on travel and crowds – but the Kirsten Peter Rabitsch Award for the best thesis at IMP or IMBA...
06 Nov 2020

The testing technology of the future: 36,000 samples in one night

A new method developed by researchers of the Vienna BioCenter, SARSeq, will allow testing of thousands of samples for SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens...