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News and Media

Current news and developments from the IMP. For frequent updates, also consider following us on our social media channels, such as Twitter ("X") or LinkedIn

18 Feb 2020

Elly Tanaka receives the FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award 2020

IMP senior scientist Elly Tanaka was announced as this year's recipient of the FEBS | EMBO Women in Science Award....
16 Jan 2020

How decisions unfold in a zebrafish brain

Researchers observed the entire brains of zebrafish larvae in unprecedented resolution to reconstruct the neural basis of “left or right” choices in a...
07 Jan 2020

New roles for two IMP faculty members

As of January 2020, two members of the IMP faculty have taken over new roles: Johannes Zuber has become senior scientist, David Haselbach is a junior...
18 Dec 2019

Project to image the folding of DNA by cohesin funded

Scientists from the labs of Jan-Michael Peters and David Haselbach, as well as collaborators at IMBA and the University of Linz, have been awarded a...
17 Dec 2019

Competitive grant to study foundations of gene expression

The Austrian Science Fund FWF has awarded a competitive stand-alone grant of nearly 400,000 Euro to the lab of IMP Senior Scientist Alexander Stark....
02 Dec 2019

Scientists propose electromagnetic induction as basis for magnetic sense

Many animal species can detect magnetic fields, a sense that enables them to navigate over long distances. How this sense works on a cellular and...
26 Nov 2019

Neurons mirror hierarchy of behaviours

Neurobiologists solve long-standing question over how brains orchestrate complex behaviours. The scientists from the lab of Manuel Zimmer showed that...
21 Nov 2019

Cohesin - a molecular motor that folds our genome

New insights into the process of DNA-looping change our view of how the genome is organised within cells. The discoveries by IMP-researchers elucidate...
11 Nov 2019

Max Birnstiel Lecture with Ben Ebert

Ben Ebert will be our next guest to give a Max Birnstiel Lecture - the IMP’s prime seminar series, named after the late founding director of the...
09 Nov 2019

Inaugural Birnstiel Award presented at the IMP

The inaugural Birnstiel Awards were given to Emily Bayer, Mohamed El-Brolosy and Justin Silpe in a ceremony at the IMP. This new international award...