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News and Media

Current news and developments from the IMP. For frequent updates, also consider following us on our social media channels, such as Twitter ("X") or LinkedIn

31 Mar 2015

New microscopy techniques capture brain-wide sensory processing

In its 2014 Life Sciences Call ‘Imaging’, the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) aims to stimulate innovative biological and biomedical...
16 Mar 2015

Ground-breaking ceremony for the new IMP Building

Last Friday the ground-breaking ceremony for the new research building dedicated to the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) took place at...
11 Mar 2015

Microsymposium on Small RNA Biology 2015

During the last decade, the “Microsymposium” has become one of the staple international meetings on small RNAs. This year we celebrate the 10th...
09 Mar 2015

IMP Scientist Alex Stark awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant

Alex Stark, group leader and newly-appointed Senior Scientist at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), has been awarded a Consolidator...
29 Jan 2015

IMP to receive a new research building

Boehringer Ingelheim will invest around 50 million Euros for the construction of a new research premises for the Research Institute of Molecular...
14 Jan 2015

Boosting the Immune System to Fight Cancer: James Allison at the IMP

Professor James Allison of the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, is a giant in the field of immunology and a pioneer of modern cancer...
04 Dec 2014

Barry Dickson receives award of the City of Vienna

On 3rd of December 2014, City Councillor Andreas Mailath-Pokorny presented this year’s Awards of the City of Vienna. Among the awardees are two...
20 Nov 2014

Cohesin: a cherry-shaped molecule safeguards cell-division

The cohesin molecule ensures the proper distribution of DNA during cell division. Scientists at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in...
17 Nov 2014

Max Birnstiel (1933-2014)

We are deeply saddened by the unexpected death of our founding director Max L. Birnstiel, who passed away peacefully on 15th of November at the age...
12 Nov 2014

Johannes Zuber selected as EMBO Young Investigator

IMP Group Leader Johannes Zuber has been appointed to join the distinct group of Young Investigators identified this year by the European Molecular...